Brucellosis outbreak in a rural endemic region of Mexico – a comprehensive investigation

María Rosario Morales­-García, Jaime López­-Méndez, Reynaldo Pless, Emilio García­-Morales, Hannah Kosanke, Rigoberto Hernández-­Castro, Jasbir Bedi, Ahidé López­-Merino, Norma Velázquez­-Guadarrama, Leticia Jiménez-­Rojas & Araceli Contreras-­Rodríguez

doi: 10.12834/VetIt.305.3393.1


Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. Generally, humans can be infected by either the consumption of raw milk and fresh cheeses made from unpasteurised milk or by contact with infected animals, mainly in endemic regions. In this study, we investigated a brucellosis outbreak in State of Guanajuato, an endemic region of Mexico. Microbiological culture of human blood, raw milk from cows and goats, and fresh cheeses was performed to isolate Brucella. Identification of the bacteria was done by bacteriological procedures and by multiplex Bruce‑ladder polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Brucella melitensis was isolated from patients, infected goats, and fresh goat cheeses; while Brucella abortus was isolated from cows. All patients had eaten fresh cheese, but no occupational exposure to animals was reported. The results of molecular typing did not show any Brucella vaccine strains. The isolation, identification, and molecular characterisation of Brucella spp. in both human brucellosis cases and infected animals are very important to identify the source of infection and to take control measures in endemic regions.



Brucella melitensis, Brucellosis, Outbreak, Cheese, Zoonosis, PCR.
© IZSAM Agosto 2016
Notizie sull'argomento

Il Centro Servizi Nazionale (CSN) all'Open Source Week a Roma

Il CSN delle Anagrafi Zootecniche dell’Istituto ha partecipato a Roma alla Quarta edizione dell’Open Source Week.


L'Istituto allo SCIVAC di Rimini

Sistema informativo della ricetta veterinaria elettronica, Anagrafe e tracciabilità degli animali da compagnia: queste le tematiche trattate dagli esperti dell’IZS di Teramo al congresso internazionale della Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia.



Individuazione di un complesso immobiliare per magazzini e uffici

L’IZS di Teramo effettua una manifestazione di interesse finalizzata all’individuazione di immobili, da acquistare o da locare, da adibire a magazzino (1200/1500 mq) e uffici (600 mq). Il termine di presentazione della domanda è il 16 marzo 2023.



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