

- Iannetti L., Acciari V.A., Antoci S., Addante N., Bardasi L., Bilei S., Calistri P., Cito F., Cogoni P., D'Aurelio R., Decastelli L., Iannetti S., Iannitto G., Marino A.M.F., Muliari R., Neri D., Perilli M., Pomilio F., Prencipe V.A., Proroga P., Santarelli G.A., Sericola M., Torresi M., Migliorati G. (2016). Listeria nonocytogenes in Ready-To-Eat Foods in Italy: Prevalence of contamination at retail and characterisation of Strains from meat products and cheese. Food Control, 68: 55-61.


- Iannetti L., Salini R., Sperandii A.F., Santarelli G.A., Neri D., Di Marzio V., Romantini R., Migliorati G., Baranyi J. (2016, in press). Predicting the kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica under dynamic growth/death-inducing conditions, in Italian style fresh sausage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 25 April 2016.


- Iannetti L., Baranyi J., Salini R., Sperandii A., Santarelli G.A., Neri D., Di Marzio V., Romantini R., Migliorati G. (2016). Predicting the behaviour of Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes in Italian style fresh sausages under drying period. Procedia Food Science, 7: 71-75.




- Centorame P., Acciari V.A., Orsini M., Torresi M., Iannetti L., Angius A., Di Giammartino D., Prencipe V.A.,† & Migliorati G. 2015. Whole-Genome Sequence of Listeria monocytogenes Serovar 4b Strain IZSAM_Lm_hs2008, Isolated from a Human Infection in Italy. Genome Announc. 2015 Mar-Apr; 3(2): e00053-15. Published online 2015 Mar 5.  doi:10.1128/genomeA.00053-15


- Migliorati G., Prencipe V., Iannetti L., Di Giannatale E., Matteucci O., Salini R. & Calistri P. 2015. Survey of domestic food purchases and related home handling practices in the Abruzzo Region (central Italy): data collection and analysis through a language-independent classification system. Food Control 49 (2015) 23-33
doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.09.008


- Iannetti L. & Salini R. 2015. I modelli matematici per lo studio della crescita, la sopravvivenza e l’inattivazione dei microrganismi negli alimenti: la microbiologia predittiva tra passato e futuro. Benv January 19, 42-46



Acciari V.A., Iannetti L., Gattuso A., Sonnessa M., Scavia G., Montagna C., Addante N., Torresi M., Zocchi L., Scattolini S., Centorame P., Marfoglia C. & Gianfranceschi M. 2015. Tracing sources of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in traditional Italian cheese associated to a US outbreak. Epidemiol. Infect, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S095026881500254


-  Torresi M., Acciari V. A., Zennaro G., Prencipe V. & Migliorati G. 2015. Comparison of Multiple‑Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis and Pulsed Field Gel   Electrophoresis in molecular subtyping of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from Italian cheese. Vet Ital, 51 (3), 191‑198. doi: 10.12834/VetIt.38.103





  • Aprea G., Boni A., Battistelli N., Marfoglia C., Scattolini S., Prencipe V.A., Migliorati G. 2014. Ecology of bacteriophages against Listeria monocytogenes in Italian cheese plants and environmental correlation with their hosts. Proceedings of the VoM III, Viruses of microbes: Structure and function, from molecules to communities 14-18 July 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.


  • Centorame P., D’Angelo A.R., Di Iorio R., Prencipe V.A., Migliorati G. 2014. Evaluation of motility and biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from food, environment and human case. Proceedings of the International Association for Food Protection’s European Symposium on Food Safety,7‐9 May 2014, Budapest, Hungary.


  • Iannetti L., Acciari V.A., Torresi M., Montagna C., Gianfranceschi M.V., Scavia G., Prencipe V.A., Migliorati G. 2014. Tracing sources of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in traditional Italian cheese associated to a USA outbreak. Proceedings of the International Association for Food Protection’s European Symposium on Food Safety,7‐9 May 2014, Budapest, Hungary.


  • Prencipe V., Sperandii A.F., Di Marzio V., Romantini R., Neri D., Santarelli G.A. 2014. Definition of a standard protocol applied to a challenge test in an Abruzzo's traditional product (Definizione di un protocollo standard applicato ad un challenge test in un prodotto della tradizione abruzzese). Proceedings of the 24th National Congress of the Italian Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists, Food safety: New frontiers. 10‐12 September 2014, Bologna, Italy.


  • Zocchi L., D’Angelo A.R., Centorame P., Candeloro L., Prencipe V.A., Migliorati G. 2014. Evaluation of adhesion and invasion properties of different Listeria monocytogenes isolates in Caco‐2 cell line. Proceedings of the International Association for Food Protection’s European Symposium on Food Safety,7‐9 May 2014, Budapest, Hungary.
© IZSAM October 2016
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