

eLearning, i.e. "learning over the internet by means of electronic technology" is a method of delivering training which has made great strides forward over the last decade. In the past, people travelled to the training centre to take part in events designed, organized and managed by a teacher: now, there is the possibility of the service coming to them, and of organizing for themselves the use they make of the teaching material, while receiving the constant support of the tutor. eLearning significantly increases the autonomy of the participants, who can concentrate on the subjects of greatest interest to them and personalize their learning by choosing the place, the time and details of the frequency. As well as individual study (supported self-learning) there is the possibility of remote interaction by virtual workgroups, either synchronous (chat) or asynchronous (email, forums etc.).

The Institute has always been alert to the development of new technologies, and has set itself up with a    learning management environment  (the learn eXact® platform from Giunti Labs) through which it delivers courses entirely online or in mixed mode (blended learning), alternating live lectures with training via the web. This choice is the result of experience acquired through national and international projects which have given very satisfactory results. The tests which have been carried out have enabled the Institute to design courses which take account of technological constraints, styles of learning and the habits of the intended recipients. Today, the Institute's training offer via eLearning is generated by meticulous planning of the infrastructure and learning models for the course, and careful production of the content. All the teaching materials are the product of complex work carried out by various professionals, experts not only in the content but in method, who have put together a "House style guide" to define the quality criteria with which the courses must comply.

The following training courses are currently available:

  • Investigation of damage by predation on domestic animals
  • Management of epidemic emergencies in veterinary medicine
  • Systems for electronic identification of animals
  • The management of an epidemic emergency of avian influenza (in collaboration with the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute for the Venezie)
  • Recognition, diagnosis, control and prevention of West Nile Disease
  • Recognition, diagnosis, control and prevention of illnesses transmitted by arthropods (in production).

© IZSAM July 2024
Other news

Animal welfare principles

The training course "Animal welfare principles" was held from 24 to 26 November as part of the OIE Twinning on animal welfare between IZSAM and the Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire (ENMV) of Tunisia.


LEarning GenOmics for food safety - LEGO

The final conference of the LEGO project will be held on 20 Decembre. The initiative, funded by the European Erasmus+ Programme and led by IZSAM, defined the new professional profile of the Food Microbial Bioinformatician (FMB). Registrations are possible until

15 Decembre.


eLearning course: Food Microbial Bioinformatician

IZSAM is the lead partner of the project “LEGO LEarning GenOmics for food safety”. The project is aimed at defining and training an innovative, interdisciplinary professional profile - (FMB) - responding to the need to apply the most modern Genomics to Food Safety.



Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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