National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and Polychlorobiphenyls


In March 2007 The IZSAM has been designated by the Ministry of Health as National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins (PCDDs/PCDFs) and Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in animal feeds and foodstuffs destined for human consumption, in accordance with Regulation EC 882/2004, relating to official tests intended to verify compliance with the regulations in the matter of feeds and foodstuffs and with the rules on animal health and welfare.


The Laboratory's specific tasks are as follows:


  • collaboration with the respective Community Reference Laboratory;
  • coordinating the activities of the official national laboratories, in particular on the reference methods of analysis;
  • organizing interlaboratory proficiency tests between the official national laboratories;
  • transmitting the technical-scientific information provided by the Community Reference Laboratory to the official national laboratories;
  • organizing training courses for the staff of the official national laboratories;
  • providing technical-scientific assistance to the Ministry of Health for implementing control plans;
  • drafting an annual report of activities to be supplied to the Ministry of Health.


The quality of the results of the laboratory analyses is guaranteed by the accreditation of the tests obtained from SINAL (the National System for Laboratory Accreditation) in conformity with the criteria of Standard ISO/IEC 17025, by the use of validated and internationally recognized test methods and by fruitful and systematic participation in proficiency testing schemes.


© IZSAM June 2024
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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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