![]() CommunicationThe growth of the Institute has always been supported by an effective policy of communicating and disseminating information both in Italy and internationally. Today the Institute has at its fingertips the most advanced information and communications technology (ICT), enabling it to interact with experts in every part of the world, and to send information to the largest possible number of citizens, including information in the light of the emerging problems connected with foods of animal origin.
The Institute's development of information systems and inter-laboratory networks accessible on the web is dictated by the conviction that whoever makes use of them is a beneficiary who becomes, in their turn, a hub in the communications system: in this way it is possible to create an international network of experts who input and look up data, share themes and problems, access information in great depth and seek shared solutions. Also in the field of scientific communications, since as long ago as the 1950s the Institute has published the review of veterinary public health "Veterinaria Italiana", with monograph and mixed numbers publicizing research carried out in countries where the production of scientific publications is limited or difficult.
Simultaneously with its scientific output, the Institute has been involved and continues to be involved in the communication of many items of a more popular nature, through publications of many shapes and sizes and using various media, such as newsletters, brochures, posters, CDs and videos, with the specific intention of informing the general public, translating the words of science into simple but rigorous language. To further improve its relationship of open communication with its internal and external clients, at the beginning of 2009 the Institute created SICI, the Innovative Structure for Institutional Communications.
© IZSAM September 2024
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"
Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA
Telefono 0039.0861.3321 | Fax 0039.0861.332251
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