


The Institute operates as a technical and scientific arm of the state and the Abruzzo and Molise Regions, implementing cooperation projects in the fields of veterinary public health, hygiene and food safety aimed to a correct balance of the man-animal-environment relationship (One Health). Since the early '90s, IZSAM has been pursuing an international strategy, in addition to the geographic areas of competence, providing services and products to the countries of the South of the world.

Following the establishment of the National Reference Centre for Foreign Animal Diseases (CESME) by the Ministerial Decree (DM) of the2nd May 1991, the Institute focused on the Mediterranean basin and in sub-Saharan Africa; the activities have been geared towards mutual technical-scientific growth.


The long-term cooperation policy, pursued by the Institute of Teramo, is based on reciprocity and the direct involvement of local staff at different levels. The IZSAM focuses on the endogenous process of capacity development and emphases, emphasizing the key role and the responsibilities of proposition and implementation of local governments.

Over the years, the cooperation activities carried out by the IZSAM, have diversified: from the study of infectious diseases to food hygiene and the study of the presence of residues in food, up to the information systems of diagnostic, epidemiological and animal registration and identification activities.


The IZSAM recognizes, in agreement with the Ministry of Health, the key role of the international cooperation in preventing animal diseases and promoting public health, through the control of zoonoses and the transfer of services and expertise needed to make developing countries, from which the greatest risks come, safer.

The IZSAM is committed to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as set out in the UN Agenda 2030, and it considers poverty reduction and public health improvement to be crosscutting issues in international activities. Taking into consideration the increasing pressure that the least developed countries produce on the most advanced countries in terms of economic and institutional health protection, the Institute recognizes the need to establish inter-institutional relations with the various countries. The relationships with the Institutions of developing countries and the knowledge transfer in the fields of veterinary medicine and food safety are two key elements of the IZSAM’s strategy.

The Institute is continuing to play an increasingly functional role in meeting the demand for veterinary public health from developing countries, taking advantage from scientific collaboration.



Research, development and cooperation in the international relations


Head of Unit: Dr Massimo Scacchia -

Laura De Antoniis -

Chiara Sensoli -

© IZSAM November 2024
Other news

Animal welfare principles

The training course "Animal welfare principles" was held from 24 to 26 November as part of the OIE Twinning on animal welfare between IZSAM and the Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire (ENMV) of Tunisia.


LEarning GenOmics for food safety - LEGO

The final conference of the LEGO project will be held on 20 Decembre. The initiative, funded by the European Erasmus+ Programme and led by IZSAM, defined the new professional profile of the Food Microbial Bioinformatician (FMB). Registrations are possible until

15 Decembre.


New scientific collaborations between IZSAM and Tunisia

On Wednesday, 8 September 2021, a press conference was held in Teramo, to illustrate the ongoing and new scientific collaborations between IZSAM and Tunisia to face present and future emergencies in a OneHealth perspective.



Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA

Telefono 0039.0861.3321 | Fax 0039.0861.332251


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Partita IVA: 00060330677

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