Presentation of the IZSAM research results on dogs and cats at the 4° Canine Science Forum & 1° Feline Science Forum


Between the 14 and 18 July 2014 the fourth edition of the Canine Science Forum (CSF) took place in Lincoln (United Kingdom). This conference is a biannual event, and has the primary aim of providing a common platform for researchers and professionals from all over the world working with dogs and related Canids. This year, for the first time, the CSF was accompanied to the inaugural Feline Science Forum and to a special day dedicated to the importance of companion animal research to human health and disease.


The second work presented, aimed at implementing traceability systems for stray cat colonies through electronic identification (i.e. microchip implantation) of domestic cats. This system aims at ameliorating cat population control and the welfare of stray cats. Cat identification is not compulsory in Italy, however, it is a fundamental step in incentivising responsible ownership.


During the last day of work, Dr. Giorgia Canulli from the Training Unit of IZSAM presented in detail the CALLISTO project (Companion Animals multisectoriaL interprofessionaL Interdisciplinary Strategic Think tank On zoonoses). CALLISTO is an international research project financed by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission and implemented by an international consortium of research institutes, universities and veterinary associations. This project aims at providing an overview of the current situation, with regard to the role of companion animals as a source of infectious diseases for people and livestock.


This interdisciplinary conference was an occasion for bringing together scientists with different expertise and background to exchange opinions on the evolution, behaviour, cognition, ecology and genetics of cats and dogs.




23 July 2014

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© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

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