Collaboration agreement between IZSAM and UniTe


On the morning of the 11th of March 2015, the General Director Fernando Arnolfo and the Scientific Director Giovanni Savini of IZSAM participated in the meeting of the Academic Senate at the Deans' headquarters of the University of Teramo for the conclusion of a four-year agreement having the objective to generate synergies capable of enhancing the common research, training, development, innovation activities and supply of services of both the Institutions.


The Academic Senate of UniTe, under the guidance of the Dean Luciano D’Amico, approved unanimously the convention, but reserving its rights to complete it with additional activities involving not only the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Biosciences, agri-food and environmental technologies, but also the Faculties of Law, Political Science and Communication Science.


In fact, a collaboration between the two major civic research Institutions is already in place: Thing of PETRUT, the new organism presented last December by UniTe and IZSAM and operating as regional point of reference of both the Institutions with the aim at producing and divulgating knowledge to plan the future of science in the Abruzzo Region in accordance to the European research programs.

The new convention aims at strengthening the role of both the bodies responsible for the transfer of knowledge and for the building of an institutional framework for the common initiatives, facilitating therefore the sharing of research, experimentation activities, training, technical assistance, supply of services and cooperation at regional, national and international level, in particular within the context of Veterinary Public Health, Agri-food, Agricultural and Medical Biotechnologies, and the protection and promotion of animal and vegetal biodiversity.


The agreement also regulates and stimulates the integration of the staff of both the Institutions and provides that the facilities, equipment and services belonging to one or ti the other Institution are intended for a common use and are used for the aims established from time to time.



23 March 2015

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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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