Unicef project: the children of Teramo come together for the children of Mozambique


On Thursday 28th May 2009, Teramo's Piazza Martiri della Libertà was the setting for the final event in the project "United by Nature: the children of Teramo for the children of Mozambique", promoted by Unicef and organised in collaboration with Te.Am Teramo Ambiente, Ruzzo Reti and Istituto G. Caporale.

The public event marked the end of a three-month educational journey involving 2,013 pupils from leading infant, primary and secondary schools within the city of Teramo and its municipal area.

The organizations running the initiative put together a team of experts, who met with teachers and pupils at the participating schools in order to increase awareness of the environmental issues inextricably linked to the safeguarding of water resources. Although this took an interdisciplinary direction, children's rights and the wellbeing of future generations were nevertheless strong themes throughout the project.

As this was a fundraising event, the most successful schools received a medal and a certificate of participation, while the money collected in buckets was handed over to Unicef during the closing ceremony.

intervista dott. F.Santini
immagini manifestazione
opere bambini
© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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