From Mexico to the Institute for a training period


The students José Daniel Wicochea Rodríguez and José Isidro Méndez Romero, who are both studying for a Masters in Food Technology at the Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD) in Mexico, will stay in the Institute until the 17th of April 2014 for a training period on Real-Time PCR.


During the internship, they will be assisted by Cesare Cammà and Marco Di Domenico from the Department of biotechnological research and development. Part of the laboratory activities are intended to allow for the completion of the Masters’ thesis.


In Mexico, a Regulation is already in force to allow the production of ham using turkey and pork meat, upon indication of their percentage on the label.

Doctor Wicochea Rodríguez is developing an analytical system for the identification and quantification of both the species in commercial products.

Whereas, Doctor Méndez Romero is implementing a Real-Time PCR method for the research and quantification of soya, bovine and horse meat in raw and cooked meat products. This system allows for the detection of product adulteration with ingredients not declared on the labels.

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© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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