The Third meeting of the Erasmus+ project "MicroQLab" at IZSAM


The third meeting of the project "MicroQLab - Training in innovation through the Quality System in Food Microbiological Laboratories” was held on 23 February 2016 at the International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information (CIFIV) of IZSAM.

The project, funded under the European Program "Erasmus +", key action "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices", foresees the development and testing at European level of a eLearning course on quality management in food microbiology laboratories. The main purpose of this training module is to transfer the skills to set up and manage a quality system based on ISO 17025 to researchers and technicians.

During the opening session, Mauro Mattioli, IZSAM Director General, gave his welcome addresses to the consortium team, supporting the project activities, in line with the most advanced strategic trends within the educational field, which recognise to the information and communication technologies a central role in knowledge building processes.

Amparo de Benito e Carmen T. Serrano (AINIA Technology Center, Valencia, Spain), Dorothee Kregel (KIN Lebensmittel Institute, Neumünster, Germany), Raquel Almeida (ISQ Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Lisbon, Portugal), Chiara Albanello, Barbara Alessandrini, Silvia D’Albenzio, Cristina Marfoglia, Francesco Pomilio, Francesca Pompei (IZSAM) participated in the meeting.


During the event, project partners shared the main project results and presented the outcomes of the training need analysis carried out involving more than 140 people in four countries.

The training programme of the course will be developped on the basis of the training need analysis results. The module will be localised in German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish and delivered to at least 80 participants, starting from September 2016.


Further information are available at




March 1, 2016 (MG)

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© IZSAM August 2016

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