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We hope you enjoyed the new version of the website.
The possibility to consult the updated data in real time on outbreaks of diseases notified in the Animal Diseases Information System (SIMAN) is a service considered practical, effective and valid, since many positive feedbacks were received.
The section Publications presents three scientific articles.
The first provides a description of the current epidemiological situation of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and the vaccination campaign in Europe and in the neighbouring countries, such as Turkey and Russian Federation, up to the end of 2018.
The second article deals with the issue of Vector-Borne Diseases (VBD), which has always been a problem for global health and a continuous challenge in the field of public health.
To understand the epidemiology of VBD and the complex interactions between humans, animals and the environment, a multidisciplinary and integrated approach must be ensured in the control and prevention of these diseases taking into account the complexity of existing interconnections.
The second part of the article describes, in fact, the era of Big data that helps to have a holistic view of VBD. Effective data management is indeed a fundamental element to improve the capabilities of the rapid alert system of Arboviruses and to detect changes in the spatial distribution of diseases.
The last article is written by Dr. Adrian Ioan Ardelean, where he describes his work-trainingship experience under "EU-FORA", the European food risk assessment program supported by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
The program aims to stimulate cooperation between food safety agencies, universities and other organizations and to help harmonize the food risk assessment practices in Europe.
Regarding the section of the Officially Free Territories, the Italian territory has been declared officially free from swine vesicular disease (decision 2019/470 / EU).
In the Send your article section, which can be looked up through the drop-down menu Discover online service, you can refer to the guidelines for the authors and send the articles and short news to the editorial staff of BENV.
You can also send us an e-mail to

I wish you a pleasant reading of this new issue.


Francesca Dall'Acqua
Centro di Referenza Nazionale per l'Epidemiologia Veterinaria, la Programmazione, l'Informazione e l'Analisi del Rischio (COVEPI)

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