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I principali avvenimenti di interesse epidemiologico in questi ultimi mesi in Italia ed in Unione Europea


The National Registry of poultry



Since 2005, the Animal Identification and Registration Database (BDN) of the Italian Ministry of Health includes information about poultry farms, whose upgrade has been under responsibility of the Veterinary Services (O.M. 26/08/2005 n.204).


The Ministerial Decree of 11.13.2013 (DM), with the annexed operating manual, completed the definition of the Registry of Poultry, as part of the feed and food traceability system.


The main elements introduced by the DM are that:


-  The Food Business Operators (OSA) can insert in BDN the request for registration of new activities, after supervision of the Competent Authority;


-  The recording in BDN of movements and slaughtering is responsibility of holders, traders, slaughterhouses managers, trade fairs, markets or exhibitions managers, who may choose to operate in the BDN directly or to delegate. More in depth:

  • Output movements must be recorded in BDN prior taking place; this registration replace the declaration of origin and destination of the animals and the related certificate at slaughterhouse;
  • input movements must be recorded in BDN within 5 days of the poultry arrival;
  • slaughtering must be recorded within 7 days of slaughtering.


Moreover, according to the DM, by July 27 2014, the registration of movements is mandatory only for breeding farms of Gallus gallus, Turkeys and for other species for meat production; for other farms, hatcheries, dealers, fairs, markets, exhibitions and for slaughterhouses, the notification of movements and slaughtering is required starting from 07/28/2015.


In addition, the DM states that all the official information about the number of holdings, poultry flocks and animals, are based on information recorded in BDN.


The BDN is closely integrated with other national information systems, which can be accessed from the website of the Veterinary Information Systems; in particular the national Information System for Salmonellosis (SiSalm), that collects information about samples taken in the context of the the National Salmonella control programmes, verifies that breeding farms and poultry flocks are recorded in BDN before entering other information.


The web application

From August 1 2014 the new version of the Registry of Poultry is available at the website of the Veterinary Information Systems; it includes web forms for the recording of all information required by the DM 11/13/2013 and its Annex Operating Manual.


Its design and implementation, as all the other web applications , was managed by the National Service Center (CSN) for the National livestock Registry at IZSAM of Teramo.


The new web application includes the following items:

  • a public access web page, that contains a link to the web form to obtain user credentials; there is also a download section that contains user documents, manuals and FAQ related to the Registry of Poultry;
  • online forms to manage requests about the opening of new holdings, which can be used both by farmers to forward requests and by the Veterinary Services to handle them;
  • web services to realize IT systems application cooperation.


The access of a user is subject to verification of the account (username and password), that the user obtains by submitting a request to the Help Desk of the National Service Center (CSN). Each user is profiled to access to the web application with the correct role, so he can view and modify only the relevant data.


For all writing operations in BDN (insert or update), the web application verifies that a digital certificate is available with the same data of the account; therefore, users shall have a Digital Certificate properly enabled.


The holders, traders, managers of markets, trade fairs and exhibitions and responsible of the slaughterhouses, can delegate other subjects to record BDN information, using a web form; for each breeding farm recorded in BDN, exists only a subject authorized to insert or update information about poultry movements.


The delegate can be one of the following:

  • the holder / lessee / trader / hatchery owner;
  • the responsible of the slaughterhouse;
  • a Professional Association of Poultry producers;
  • Veterinary Service/Competent authority;
  • a vet freelancer;
  • the owner / lessor;
  • a poultry industry company (such as Amadori, Gruppo Veronesi, Fileni, ecc.).


One or more account, properly configured, may operate in BDN for each delegates.


The information in BDN

According to the DM 13/11/2013, the Registry of Poultry in BDN contains the main data about all production units which hold or breed poultry for breeding purposes, for meat or eggs production or restocking of supplies of game, including weaning and hatcheries.


For each of these production units, the BDN contains the following detailed data:


  • address and geographic coordinates of each farm;
  • the animal owner / lessor;
  • the species of poultry bred;
  • the holder;
  • the total area of the structure;
  • the maximum number of animals that can be accommodated in the structure (capacity);
  • the number of warehouses;
  • the type of production;
  • the EU authorization to make exchanges;
  • the health status for Salmonella;
  • the output movements of poultry (the destination, the date of the movement, the transporter, the duration of the trip and, for animals going to slaughterhouse, also the information on the Food Chain (ICA);
  • the incoming movements of poultry, (the date of the movement, the origin, the reference to the origin certificate (Ministerial Decree 16 May 2007), or to the ‘health certificate’ (Directive 158/2009).


For breeding farms of Gallus gallus, Turkeys and other species for meat production, the registration of information about movements allow the correct identification of the poultry flocks, for which the following information are recorded and available:


  • the identification code of the shed where the poultry group have been kept;
  • the incoming movements that have constituted the flock (restocking and subsequent introductions), each one with origin;
  • the number of animals in the flock, valuable at any date between restocking and output;
  • poultry sex and age at the date of restocking;
  • the holder;
  • husbandry system (eg. for layers: Organic, free_range, yarding, cage);
  • for breeding and layers, the production stage (pullets or laying hens);
  • for broilers the type of chicken (broilers, roosters, capons, etc.).
  • the outgoing movements of the group, with destinations;
  • treatments and vaccines;
  • tests and controls for salmonella control programmes1;
  • slaughtering, with the indication of the slaughterhouse and the date of slaugtering.


During data collection, the information system performs data validation routines that check for correctness and meaningfulness of data recorded in the BDN.


The requirement to register the outgoing movements before the event, as required by the DM, makes recording of ingoing movements and slaughtering particularly easy, thanks to the possibility to visualize and confirm the information on the output movement registered previously.


Data stored in the BDN, thus, acquire relevance thanks to the registration timelines foreseen by the DM, that will allow to have at disposal updated data in real time and therefore to individuate and localize on the territory all the poultry flocks reared at a given time, and for each of them the origin of the animals and all the health information.


In this way the main goal of the National Livestock Registry of the Ministry of Health will be realized, that is to have in the same database, all information useful for the management of public health emergencies in the poultry sector.




1 Sampling of flocks must be registered in the web application SiSalm, available at the website of the Veterinary Information Systems; this system is closely integrated with the Registry of Poultry in BDN, where farms, hatcheries and poultry flocks are recorded.


Edited by:
Diana Palma

National Service Centre for Animal Identification and Registration Database
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale”

Anna Sorgente

Office II – Department of Animal health and Animal Identification and Registration, Italian Ministry of Health



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Daniela Morelli

National Reference Centre for Risk Analysis
Armando Giovannini

Paolo Calistri

Statistics and GIS
Annamaria Conte



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Simona Iannetti
Francesca Dall'Acqua

Editorial board
Barbara Alessandrini, Annamaria Conte, Fabrizio De Massis, Armando Giovannini, Paolo Calistri, Federica Monaco, Giovanni Savini

Istructional designer
Alessandro De Luca

Web master
Sandro Santarelli

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