
e-ISSN 1828-1427


Rivista trimestrale di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria edita dall'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"

A quarterly journal devoted to veterinary public health, veterinary science and medicine published by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ in Teramo, Italy

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2004 - Volume 40 (3) July-September
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Proceedings of the Third International Symposium
Part I
(N. James MacLachlan & James E. Pearson, Eds)

List of abbreviations 
Welcoming addresses
R. Marabelli     
J. Février
B. Vallat     
V. Caporale, N.J. MacLachlan, J.E. Pearson & A. Schudel
Global situation

T.E. Walton
The history of bluetongue and a current global overview


G.H. Gerdes
A South African overview of the virus, vectors, surveillance and unique features of bluetongue


S. Hammami
North Africa: a regional overview of bluetongue virus, vectors, surveillance and unique features


P.D. Kirkland
Bluetongue viruses, vectors and surveillance in Australia – the current situation and unique features

N. Zhang, Z. Li, F. Zhang & J. Zhu
Studies on bluetongue disease in the People's Republic of China

C. Gómez-Tejedor
Brief overview of the bluetongue situation in Mediterranean Europe, 1998-2004

D.E. Panagiotatos
Regional overview of bluetongue viruses, vectors, surveillance and unique features in Eastern Europe between 1998 and 2003

D. Sreenivasulu, M.V. Subba Rao, Y.N. Reddy & G.P. Gard
Overview of bluetongue disease, viruses, vectors, surveillance and unique features: the Indian sub-continent and adjacent regions


Y. Goto, O. Yamaguchi & M. Kubo
Epidemiological observations on bluetongue in sheep and cattle in Japan


E.N. Ostlund, K.M. Moser, D.J. Johnson, J.E. Pearson & B.J. Schmitt
Distribution of bluetongue in the United States of America, 1991-2002

I.A. Lager
Bluetongue virus in South America: overview of viruses, vectors, surveillance and unique features 

P.W. Daniels, I. Sendow, L.I. Pritchard, Sukarsih & B.T. Eaton
Regional overview of bluetongue viruses in South-East Asia: viruses, vectors and surveillance

M. Di Ventura, M. Tittarelli, G. Semproni, B. Bonfini,
G. Savini, A. Conte & A. Lika

Serological surveillance of bluetongue virus in cattle, sheep and goats in Albania

B. Djuricic, D. Nedic, D. Lausevic & M. Pavlovic
The epizootiological occurrence of bluetongue in the central Balkans


K. Nomikou, O. Mangana-Vougiouka & D.E. Panagiotatos
Overview of bluetongue in Greece


A. Shimshony
Bluetongue in Israel – a brief historical overview


J. Brenner, T. Tsuda, H. Yadin, D. Chai, Y. Stram &
T. Kato

Serological and clinical evidence of a teratogenic Simbu serogroup virus infection of cattle in Israel, 2001-2003


S. Caracappa, M. Bagnato, P. Sghembri, A. Guercio,
F. Prato, G. Tumino, A. Migliazzo, F. Geraci, S. Vullo,

S. Agnello & C. Di Bella

Epidemiological surveillance of bluetongue in Sicily


V. Sarto i Monteys, C. Aranda, R. Escosa, N. Pagès &
D. Ventura

Results of current surveillance of likely bluetongue virus vectors of the genus Culicoides in Catalonia, Spain


A. Cagienard, F. Dall’Acqua, B. Thür, P.S. Mellor,
E. Denison, C. Griot & K.D.C. Stärk

Bluetongue surveillance in Switzerland in 2003: a serological and entomological survey

A. Ertürk, N. Tatar, O. Kabakli, S. Incoglu, S.G. Cizmeci & F.M. Barut
The current situation of bluetongue in Turkey


I.A. Lager, S. Duffy, J. Miquet, A. Vagnozzi, C. Gorchs, M. Draghi, B. Cetrà, C. Soni, C. Hamblin, S. Maan, A.R. Samuel, P.P.C. Mertens, M. Ronderos & V. Ramirez
Incidence and isolation of bluetongue virus infection in cattle of the Santo Tomé Department, Corrientes Province, Argentina

Epidemiology and vectors

W.J. Tabachnick
Culicoides and the global epidemiology of bluetongue virus infection

R. Meiswinkel, L.M. Gomulski, J.-C. Delécolle, M. Goffredo &
G. Gasperi
The taxonomy of Culicoides vector complexes – unfinished business

B.A. Mullens, A.C. Gerry, T.J. Lysyk & E.T. Schmidtmann Environmental effects on vector competence and virogenesis of bluetongue virus in Culicoides: interpreting laboratory data in a field context

P.S. Mellor
Infection of the vectors and bluetongue epidemiology in Europe
D.M. White, W.C. Wilson, C.D. Blair & B.J. Beaty
Possible overwintering mechanism of bluetongue virus in vectors
M. Baylis, L. O'Connell & B.V. Purse
Modelling the distribution of bluetongue vectors
D. Dargatz, K. Akin, A. Green, M. Herrero, S. Holland, A. Kane, D. Knowles, T. McElwain, K.M. Moser, E.N. Ostlund, M. Parker, E.T. Schmidtmann, A. Seitzinger, L. Schuler, G. Stevens, L. Tesar, L. White, L. Williams, N. Wineland & T.E. Walton
Bluetongue surveillance methods in the United States of America
L.F. Melville
Bluetongue surveillance methods in an endemic area: Australia
A. Giovannini, P. Calistri, A. Conte, L. Savini, D. Nannini,
C. Patta, U. Santucci & V. Caporale
Bluetongue virus surveillance in a newly infected area
G.J. Venter, G.H. Gerdes, P.S. Mellor & J.T. Paweska
Transmission potential of South African Culicoides species for live-attenuated bluetongue virus

D.E. Stallknecht & E.W. Howerth
Epidemiology of bluetongue and epizootic haemorrhagic disease in wildlife: surveillance methods

P. Roeder
The role of the Food and Agriculture Organization in bluetongue disease
M. Goffredo, J.-C. Delécolle, G. Semproni & A. Lika
Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Albania: results of the 2000 entomological survey for bluetongue
G. Georgiev, N. Nedelchev, Y. Ivanov & E. Veleva
Epizootiological control of bluetongue disease in Bulgaria in 2002
A. Labrovic, Z. Poljak, S. Šeparovic, B. Jukic, D. Lukman,
E. Listeš & S. Bosni
Spatial distribution of bluetongue in cattle in southern Croatia in the last quarter of 2002
E. Listeš, S. Bosnic, M. Benic, M. Lojkic, Z. Cac, Z. Cvetnic,
J. Madic, S. Šeparovic, A. Labrovic, G. Savini & M. Goffredo
Serological evidence of bluetongue and a preliminary entomological study in southern Croatia
T. Baldet, J.-C. Delécolle, B. Mathieu, S. de La Rocque &
F. Roger
Entomological surveillance of bluetongue in France in 2002
M.J. Patakakis
Culicoides imicola in Greece
Y. Braverman, M. Baylis, A.J. Tatem, D.J. Rogers, P.S. Mellor & B.V. Purse
What factors determine when epidemics occur in the Mediterranean? Prediction of disease risk through time by climate-driven models of the temporal distribution of outbreaks in Israel
P. Calistri, A. Giovannini, A. Conte, D. Nannini, U. Santucci, C. Patta, S. Rolesu & V. Caporale
Bluetongue in Italy: Part I
A. Giovannini, P. Calistri, D. Nannini, C. Paladini, U. Santucci, C. Patta & V. Caporale
Bluetongue in Italy: Part II
M. Goffredo & R. Meiswinkel
Entomological surveillance of bluetongue in Italy: methods of capture, catch analysis and identification of Culicoides biting midges
A.L. Bishop, R.J. Worrall, L.J. Spohr, H.J. McKenzie & I.M. Barchia
Improving light-trap efficiency for Culicoides spp. with light-emitting diodes
M. Goffredo, A. Conte & R. Meiswinkel
Distribution and abundance of Culicoides imicola, Obsoletus Complex and Pulicaris Complex (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Italy
G. Scavia, G.L. Autorino, C. De Liberato, F. Farina, G. Ferrari, M. Guidoni, A. Magliano, M. Miceli, F. Scholl, M.T. Scicluna &
P. Scaramozzino

Association between the 2001-2003 bluetongue epidemic in Lazio and Tuscany (central Italy) and distribution and abundance of Culicoides imicola and C. obsoletus vectors
M. Goffredo, M. Buttigieg, R. Meiswinkel, J.C. Delécolle &
S. Chircop

Entomological surveillance for bluetongue on Malta: first report of Culicoides imicola Kieffer

M. Goffredo, G. Romeo, F. Monaco, A. Di Gennaro & G. Savini
Laboratory survival and blood feeding response of wild-caught Culicoides obsoletus Complex (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) through natural and artificial membranes


G. Savini, M. Goffredo, F. Monacol, A. Di Gennaro, P. de Santis, R. Meiswinkel & V. Caporale
The isolation of bluetongue virus from field populations of the Obsoletus Complex in central Italy


A. Miranda, C. Rincón & D. Borràs
Seasonal abundance of Culicoides imicola and
C. obsoletus in the Balearic islands


R. Meiswinkel, K. Labuschagne, M. Baylis & P.S. Mellor
Multiple vectors and their differing ecologies: observations on two bluetongue and African horse sickness vector Culicoides species in South Africa


B.V. Purse, S. Caracappa, A.M.F. Marino, A.J. Tatem, D.J. Rogers, P.S. Mellor, M. Baylis & A. Torina
Modelling the distribution of outbreaks and Culicoides vectors in Sicily: towards predictive risk maps for Italy


A. Conte, C. Ippoliti, P. Calistri, S. Pelini, L. Savini, R. Salini, M. Goffredo & R. Meiswinkel
Towards the identification of potential infectious sites for bluetongue in Italy: a spatial analysis approach based on the distribution of Culicoides imicola


A.L. Bishop, L.J. Spohr, & I.M. Barchia
Factors affecting the spread of Culicoides brevitarsis at the southern limit of distribution in eastern Australia


W. M. Doherty, A. L. Bishop, L. F. Melville, S. J. Johnson,
G. A. Bellis, N . T. Hunt
Protection of cattle from Culicoides spp. in Australia by shelter and chemical treatments


G. A. Bellis, L. F. Melville, N. T. Hunt, M. N. Hearnden
Temporal activity of biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) on cattle near Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

G. Satta, M. Goffredo, S. Sanna, L. Vento, G. Cubeddu,
E. Mascherpa
Field disinfestation trials against Culicoides in north-west Sardinia

Y. Braverman, A. Chizov-Ginzburg, A. Wilamowski
Susceptibility and repellency of Culicoides imicola and Culex pipiens to lambda-cyhalothrin


R. Meiswinkel, K. Labuschagne, M. Goffredo
Christopher Columbus and Culicoides: was C. jamaicensis Edwards, 1922 introduced into the Mediterranean 500 years ago and later re-named C. paolae Boorman 1996?


R. Meiswinkel
Adult characters defining and separating the Imicola and Orientalis species complexes of the subgenus Avaritia Fox, 1955 (Culicoides, Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)


D.V. Nolan, J.F. Dallas & A.J. Mordue (Luntz)
Molecular taxonomy and population structure of a Culicoides midge vector


P. Calistri, A. Giovannini, A. Conte & V. Caporale
Use of a Montecarlo simulation model for the re-planning of bluetongue surveillance in Italy


A.R. Cameron
Data management and analysis systems for bluetongue virus zoning in Australia


A. Giovannini, C. Paladini, P. Calistri, A. Conte,
P. Colangeli, U. Santucci, D. Nannini, V. Caporale

Surveillance system of bluetongue in Italy


V. Caligiuri, C.A. Giuliano, V. Vitale, L. Chiavacci,
S. Travaglio, L. Manelli, S. Piscedda, M. Giardina
R. Mainolfi

Bluetongue surveillance in the Campania Region of Italy using a geographic information system to create risk maps


C.L. Campbell, M.J. McNulty, G.J. Letchworth & W.C. Wilson
Molecular investigations of orbivirus/vector interactions


Part II
Vet Ital 40 (4): October-December 2004


Publicity leaflet  
© Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise 2004