WildlifeThe Istituto G. Caporale boasts specific experience in the ecopathology of Wildlife and in the field of Forensic Veterinary Medicine. The latter work is performed by the Anatomo-histopathology, Diagnostic Microbiology, Parasitology and Mycology Department and by the Department of Innovation and Development.
In Forensic Medicine investigations, the Institute provides suitable technical-scientific assistance to the Criminal Investigation Department, in cases of suspected malicious acts against protected wild or domestic animals.
Work in connection with the ecopathology of Wildlife is performed through the study of the health interactions between wild and domestic animals in the protected areas, the study of diseases transmitted by vectors and the management of wild populations, with particular reference to the health, genetic and ecopathological aspects.
The Institute plays an active role ascertaining causes of death of wild animals from Abruzzo and Molise, but also from the other regions as well. Besides determining the cause of death of wild animals, anatomo-histopathology work also provides useful information for increasing knowledge about the state of health of wild animals, including in relation to possible environmental contamination.
With regard to the management of wildlife which is of interest for hunting, the Institute collaborates with the provincial and regional administrations in drawing up provincial wildlife plans and regional hunting calendars.
© IZSAM July 2017
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"
Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA
Telefono 0039.0861.3321 | Fax 0039.0861.332251
e-mail: archivioeprotocollo@izs.it
Posta elettronica certificata: protocollo@pec.izs.it
Partita IVA: 00060330677
Codice Fiscale: 80006470670