Regional Experimental Centre for Fishing and Aquaculture


The Regional Experimental Centre for Fishing and Aquaculture at Termoli is the site of a pilot plant for the production of innovative fish species and carries on the following activities:


  • Health of fish products. Microbiological tests are carried out on seafood sampled in the course of the sanitary monitoring and control activities of the Veterinary Services, SIAN [Food and Nutrition Hygiene Service] and NAS [Food and Drug Safety Units].
  • Microbiological water analyses (drinking water and surface water, both fresh and salt).
  • Periodic surveillance of the clam production areas (Chamelea gallina) and areas devoted to mussel farming (EC Regulation 854/2004).
  • Monitoring the coastal waters of Molise dedicated to shellfish (Legislative Decree 152/2006).
  • Investigation of the exploitable clam resources (Chamelea gallina) along the Molise coast, using biometric tests.
  • Monitoring the seagrass meadows of the Molise coastal waters , on behalf of the Molise Region Environmental Commission, in order to ascertain the ecological and environmental quality of the marine coastal waters. Testing the density of the vegetation was carried out underwater, using an aqualung, by the Giraud method, along strips parallel to and at right angles to the coast. The samples taken for the phenological study, underwater and for each site, consisted of 10 leaf blades with rhizomes and roots attached.
  • Testing water samples for acute toxicity with bioluminescent bacteria (method using determination of the inhibition of the bioluminescence emitted by Vibrio fischeri). The test is applied for evaluating the acute toxic effects of samples of waste water flowing into freshwater, brackish water and seawater; of samples of freshwater, brackish water and seawater; of water extracted from solid matrices (sediments); and of particular chemical substances.
  • Use of biosensors for continuous monitoring of the quality of the marine coastal waters, by means of a new biological early warning system (Mosselmonitor) which uses a battery of eight bivalves belonging to a particular species of shellfish. The system is designed to detect the percentage valve opening. After the adjustment stages, various toxicity simulation tests were carried out with lead, mercury, cadmium, copper and lindane to determine the minimum concentration of these toxins which triggers the alarm signal.
  • Tests for inhibition of growth of marine algae (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Skeletonema costatum, Phoedactylum tricornutum). The tests determine the toxic effect of chemical substances on the various generations of marine algal clones. Inhibition is measured as a reduction in the specific rate of growth in relation to control cultures.
  • Molise Regional Plan for sanitary monitoring and control of the production and sale of live bivalve shellfish. The plan represents the direct continuation of the plan for periodic surveillance of the zones for production and housing of live bivalve shellfish with an evaluation of the health and hygiene status of the shellfish themselves, from landing right through to distribution and marketing. The samples taken undergo microbiological, biotoxicological and chemical tests.


© IZSAM June 2024

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA

Telefono 0039.0861.3321 | Fax 0039.0861.332251


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