Human exposure to piroplasms in Central and Northern Italy

Simona Gabrielli, Pietro Calderini, Rudi Cassini, Roberta Galuppi, Maria Paola Tampieri, Mario Pietrobelli & Gabriella Cancrini

doi: 10.12834/VetIt.1302.13


A serosurvey has been conducted in Northern and Central Italy to investigate the presence in humans of antibodies against zoonotic Babesia and Theileria species. The study focused on a total of 432 volunteers, of which 290 were persistently exposed to tick bites because of their jobs (forester employees, livestock keepers, veterinary practitioners, farmers and hunters) and 142 resident in the same area less frequently exposed. An indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for humans was used to detect antibodies to Babesia microti, IFAT tests for veterinary use were modified to detect reactivity to Babesia bovis, Babesia canis and Theileria equi. A laboratory-derived ELISA was employed to detect antibodies to Babesia divergens. Both reactive and 10 negative sera were analysed against plasmodial antigens to evaluate possible aspecificity.
A high reactivity to piroplasm antigens was found, showing significant difference between the sera of the two groups of volunteers (24% vs 7.0%; p<0.001). No cross-reactivity was observed, while each professional group showed reactivity that would fit with the professional risk exposure. In particular, a high reactivity to B. microti and B. divergens antigens was observed in foresters and hunters (32% and 12%, respectively).

This is the first report on the human seroreactivity to piroplasms in Italy; it also provides additional epidemiological information on these tick-borne zoonoses in Europe. Our findings suggest the possible occurrence of piroplasm infections in Italy and alert physicians to consider these otherwise neglected parasitic diseases when dealing with any febrile illness, especially in subjects exposed to tick bites.



Babesia, Italy, Risk exposure, Serosurvey, Theileria, Tick-borne zoonoses.
© IZSAM Agosto 2016
Notizie sull'argomento

Il Centro Servizi Nazionale (CSN) all'Open Source Week a Roma

Il CSN delle Anagrafi Zootecniche dell’Istituto ha partecipato a Roma alla Quarta edizione dell’Open Source Week.


L'Istituto allo SCIVAC di Rimini

Sistema informativo della ricetta veterinaria elettronica, Anagrafe e tracciabilità degli animali da compagnia: queste le tematiche trattate dagli esperti dell’IZS di Teramo al congresso internazionale della Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia.



Individuazione di un complesso immobiliare per magazzini e uffici

L’IZS di Teramo effettua una manifestazione di interesse finalizzata all’individuazione di immobili, da acquistare o da locare, da adibire a magazzino (1200/1500 mq) e uffici (600 mq). Il termine di presentazione della domanda è il 16 marzo 2023.



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