Multi-Annual National Control Plan: 2022 Report



The annual report of the "Multi-Annual National Control Plan 2020-2022," covering the year 2022, has been published. This report presents the results of monitoring food safety throughout the entire agri-food supply chain.



The Plan involved the collaboration and coordination of various Italian authorities, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Customs and Monopolies Agency, and the Police Forces.



The activities were carried out based on a risk analysis approach, taking into account the results of previous years. This approach followed the continuous improvement cycle Plan > Do > Check > Act, ensuring effective control management and optimal resource allocation. The controls were primarily focused on food production establishments, feed manufacturers, livestock farms, and food processing and distribution facilities.



The results indicate an increase in sampling activity compared to 2021, with a stable number of non-compliances. Over 142,662 inspections were conducted at recognized establishments, and 284,375 audits were performed at registered facilities, resulting in the identification of 6,685 non-compliances in recognized establishments and 32,492 in registered ones. The irregularity rate for the total analyses conducted in 2022 was 0.33% for food samples, while surveillance of veterinary drug residues, contaminants, and microbiological safety revealed a non-compliance rate of 3%. Additionally, controls on pesticide residues and food additives showed low levels of violations.




The system has proven adaptable to extraordinary challenges, such as the increase in online sales, but it requires improvements in monitoring primary production, game meat, and emerging contaminants.









Multi-Annual National Control Plan, 2022 Report





© IZSAM September 2024

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