Classyfarm: first quarter 2024 data on antimicrobial consumption



From 19 May, data on antimicrobial consumption for the first quarter of 2024 are available for the following species: bovine, buffalo, swine and poultry.



The report is available in the "Dashboard" section in the "Biomass Drug" dashboard.




The ClassyFarm portal is data processing platform included in the national veterinary portal ( ), which analyses digital data from different sources (collected in the field or from other information systems) through specific business intelligence processes. In particular:



- Animal welfare assessments and farm biosecurity

- Consumption and susceptibility to antimicrobials

- Main livestock parameters (health status, production data and feed)

- Slaughterhouse surveys of health data (i.e. lung scores) and welfare data (i.e. tail injuries in pigs).



The information collected in the field may come from official controls carried out by the Competent Authorities, from audits by certifiers in the implementation phase, or from freelance veterinarians, such as the company veterinarian, properly trained to carry out self-monitoring activities. The latter are carried out on a voluntary basis, as defined by the  Decree of the Minister of Health of 7 December 2017 .






Source:@nmviOggi The online veterinary information





Source: Biomass Drug

© IZSAM May 2024

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