African Swine Fever: The Sardinia Region Receives Confirmation from the European Union of Disease Eradication



With the unanimous support of the Member States of the European Union during the meeting of the PAFF Committee (Plants, Animals, Food and Feed) held in Brussels on 23 September 2024, the European Commission has decided to repeal the last remaining restrictive measures for African swine fever still in force in Sardinia. The disease had been present in the region for over forty years, having a significant economic and social impact.


However, due to the emergence of the infection in other Italian regions and in Europe in recent years, the risk of reintroduction of African swine fever in Sardinia remains significant. For this reason, it is essential to maintain strict surveillance and a rigorous control system at the island's ports and airports.





REGOLAMENTO Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2526 of 23 September 2024

© IZSAM October 2024

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