G. Caporale Institute 2009 Calendar


Family portraits

Photographs: Maurizio Anselmi

Animals are in the fabric of our lives, in our memories, in our lands, in our streets, in our houses. Animals surround us - and not just physically. Animals are inside us because they are in our words: in figures of speech that we use every day, without even giving it a thought. It happens to all of us, at least once in our lives, to be a sheep among wolves, or to meet a snake in the grass. We find ourselves talking bull, being led on a wild goose chase, or fighting like cats and dogs. We can be sick as a dog, and so, for a while, lead a dog's life. We can be free as a bird; if we are lucky we may come across the goose that lays the golden egg, but we may fail to take advantage of this because we are as stubborn as mules. Every so often we may be in the unpleasant position of being a sitting duck or, worse still, being the black sheep. And then there are two possible reactions: to moan like a bear with a sore head, or to howl like a wolf. In either case it is not uncommon to have a skin like an elephant. Words are important, as also are figures of speech. But at times they take on mistaken, or at least questionable meanings. For example, to call someone an animal is universally considered offensive. And yet, we have only to look at the animals in this calendar to feel their human warmth: as if they were loved ones in a family portrait.

Vincenzo Caporale

© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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