From Zambia to Teramo for the animal identification and registration system


From the 13th to the 17th January 2014, a delegation of the Zambian Veterinary Services, which is composed of Doctors Geoffrey Muuka, A.C. Songolo, Swithine Kabilika and Christine Yamba Yamba, will be in Teramo to visit the IZSAM in order to find out more about the “Anagrafe Zootecinca”( animal identification and registration system), which has been managed by the IZSAM since it commenced in 2002. In particular, the representatives of the African country want to understand how the electronic identification system for bovine animals works, with the aim of installing similar systems in Zambia.


The animal identification and registration system is an essential tool to know the extent and the characteristics of the zootechnical livestock of a country. It furthermore reassures citizens/consumers on the origin of the food that reaches their tables. A high quality animal identification and registration system may support the operators who comply with good practices, help the evaluation of the environmental impact of the different production methods, control the safety conditions of livestock, prevent possible outbreaks, ensure food safety and a prompt intervention in case of accident along the whole supply chain.


The African delegation will visit the laboratories at the IZSAM headquarters and the Centre of ear tags production, the Veterinary Services of the local health authority (ASL-Teramo) and several local breeding farms. The learning programme will focus on a more detailed analysis of the electronic identification methods and the implanting of ruminal boluses, as well as on the Informative Systems implemented by the Institute, i.e. the “Portale Nazionale Veterinario” (VETINFO), the zootechnical livestock management system (BDN), the system for the collection of sample activities in livestock (SANAN) and the laboratory computer system (SILAB). Moreover, Delegates will learn how to identify the effective needs of the Zambian Veterinary Services in order to immediately start a profitable cooperation.


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© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA

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