CAPS2 Project: in October two technicians from Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina attended IZSAM


From the 13th to the 24th of October 2014, Marsela Bregaj, Teuta Demollari, Denada Telo of the Food Safety and Veterinary Institute of Tirana in Albania and Amina Magoda and Dzenita Viteskic of the Veterinary Faculty University of Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina, attended the “Laboratory of Bromatology, Residues in foods for human and animal consumption” in order to acquire new competences in analytical methods and protocols concerning the detection of biotoxins in fish products.


 The CAPS2 project activities, involving most of the bordering countries of the Adriatic Sea, focus on the analysis and management of new chemical and microbiological contamination risks. The project partners, coming from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania, are adapting their equipment and acquiring new competences in order to strengthen the diagnostic capabilities and knowledge concerning the chemical and microbiological contaminants, which could represent a risk for the safety of fish products.




23 December 2014

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