Fields of Activities


The Veterinary Urban Hygiene (VUH) is a branch of veterinary public health discipline. On 1999 the VUH has been defined as "the activity dealing with those health aspects associated with human-animal-environment relationships in urban areas".The VUH problems worsen in case of environmental emergencies such as natural (earthquakes, avalanches, flooding, volcanic eruptions etc.) or human induced (wars, chemical or radioactive pollution, etc.).


The main activities of the Centre include:

  • To develop research and experimentation at national and international level for the improvement of zoonoses epidemiological surveillance in urban areas, including the application of risk analysis modelling and the use of innovative techniques of spatial analysis (GIS).
  • To provide technical and scientific assistance to the Ministry of Health for the development and implementation of plans for monitoring, surveillance and control of issues related to living with animals and the preparation of manuals and / or operational procedures.
  • To provide technical and scientific assistance to the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the response and management for non-epidemic emergences.
  • To provide a specialist consultancy for the prevention and control of zoonoses, for the study of population dynamics and the ecology of synanthropic, wild and pests animals, for the definition of control programs for stray dogs and cat, for the promotion of the social role of companion animals, for the management of unwanted animals and of interest in the framework of veterinary public health.
  • To provide advice and services to international organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO), to the institutions of the European Commission, to the Veterinary Services of Regions and Local Health Authorities, to other Istituti Zooprofilattici Sperimentali, to other non-sanitary institutions at national and local level.
  • To provide training and professional development. events.


Currently, the IZSAM is involved at international level, in an European Seventh Framework Programme project on zoonoses originating from pets. In the project, the IZSAM provides its expertise in the field of epidemiology, risk analysis and knowledge management. The project include an extensive network of collaborations that includes all major stakeholders, national authorities, research centers, universities, non-governmental organizations and representatives from the industry.

© IZSAM October 2016
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Animal welfare principles

The training course "Animal welfare principles" was held from 24 to 26 November as part of the OIE Twinning on animal welfare between IZSAM and the Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire (ENMV) of Tunisia.



Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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