IZS training of Sicily


From September 16th to 20th 2013, some delegates from the "A. Mirri" IZSS (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Sicilia) visited the city of Teramo to participate in a practical-theoretical training course on SILAB, which is the Laboratory Informative System that the IZSAM (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise) has been using since the 90s as an IT support to diagnostic work.


During the five training days, the students had the chance to become familiar with the operative organizations, the systems and the daily usage modalities of SILAB.

This course was run by the Institute CED (Data Elaboration Center) and it utilized the main methodologies employed for adults training which aim at strengthening the learning process and at providing suitable supports to different work contexts of the participants. For this purpose, theoretical activities interchanged with simulations and practical activities during the training course.

The course was held in "G. Caporale" IZSAM's training facilities, as well as in the departments of Serology, Registration and Control, Diagnostic Microbiology, Anatomic-Histology, Parasitology and Mycology in the city of Teramo.

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© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


Campo Boario | 64100 TERAMO | ITALIA

Telefono 0039.0861.3321 | Fax 0039.0861.332251

e-mail: archivioeprotocollo@izs.it

Posta elettronica certificata: protocollo@pec.izs.it

Partita IVA: 00060330677

Codice Fiscale: 80006470670