eLearning course: Food Microbial Bioinformatician



IZSAM is the lead partner of the project “LEarning GenOmics for food safety" (LEGO), which can rely on a broad partnership composed of three universities (University of Helsinki - Finland; Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Italy; University of Life Science and Technology - Poland), a Spanish research centre (AINIA) and an Italian-based technological company oriented to didactic innovation (Udanet).


LEGO is funded by the European Erasmus+ Programme (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Strategic Partnerships in the field of Higher Education). The project is aimed at defining and training an innovative, interdisciplinary professional profile - the Food Microbial Bioinformatician (FMB) - responding to the need to apply the most modern Genomics to Food Safety.


One of the project output is the design, testing and validation of a multidisciplinary eLearning course aimed at supporting competences development in the Food Microbial Bioinformatics domain consistently with the new profile. The course, provided for free and in English, is structured in learning outcomes (Units) that facilitate the assessment, validation and recognition of the acquired skills.


The training initiative will involve at minimum 120 trainees from European Universities enrolled in second or third cycle studies in one of the following disciplines:

  • Veterinary Sciences, Animal Sciences, Bioinformatics, (Micro)biology, Biotechnologies, Public Health, Agronomics, Biomedical Engineering and Medicine (or equivalent degrees)
  • Statistics, Informatics, Mathematics (or equivalent degrees). In this case, students should also have some research experience in the field of Microbiology.

In addition, the course will be also opened to minimum 80 professionals (microbiologists, biotechnologists, bioinformaticians, epidemiologists, veterinarians, statisticians, etc.) having at least a three-year work experience and willing to enter into a formal educational path for the recognition of their competences in the field of genomics and food safety.


For further details on the application procedures, please visit the project website https://www.learngenomics.eu/2021/02/04/call-for-applications-e-learning-course/.


The enrollment phase will end on 28 February 2021, the start of training activities is scheduled for 15 March 2021.For further information, please contact the LEGO project team at lego@izs.it.







February 11, 2021 (MG)

© IZSAM March 2021
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