National monitoring of the wolf: results

Picture by Alessandro Calabrese


On June 23 2022, on ISPRA YouTube channel was held in online mode the closing event on The First National Wolf Monitoring, coordinated by the Institute for Protection and Environmental Research under the mandate of the  Ministry for the Ecological Transition MiTE.




The researchers described the scientific path that led to the estimation of the number of wolves on a national scale and to define the maps of probability of the presence of the species on the Italian territory.



hese are just some of the final results of a long process that started in 2018 with a kick off conference, followed by the establishment of an expert study group in 2019, and finished in 2022 with the results of statistical analyses on the collected data



In the midst of many activities and the campaign to collect signs of presence of the species, which took place between October 2020 April 2021 in a desert Italy for the effects of the pandemic.



In the 85,000 km traveled on foot in search of "traces", twice around the earth, 3000 people including wildlife experts, researchers, employees of local authorities, national and regional parks, volunteers, citizens have intertwined knowledge, passions, know how, dialects, landscapes and horizons of Italy.



The wolf, evocative, elusive, capable of provoking conflicting and sometimes radical feelings, is returned to us in a photograph with the contours defined by data and methods typical of scientific research that are now  public and available to all .





The official monitoring link






Video del webinar



ISPRA YouTube channel



National monitoring of the wolf  







Soruce: ISPRA