II National Congress of the Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences





The II National Congress of the Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences was held in Amalfi from 8 to 10 October 2021.



The Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences (SISFV) was born in Amalfi in 2020 with 40 founding members specialized in the field of veterinary forensic sciences (https://www.sisfv.it/).


The congress represented a moment of cultural sharing that has always been the basis of the scientific activity of the Society; multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, as underlined by Prof. Orlando Paciello, President of the Society, represent those aspects that characterize the work carried out and that is put into practice. In fact, veterinary forensic sciences are defined by a complexity of aspects that necessarily require a holistic approach by experts from various disciplines.



On the opening day, Dr. Donatella Fazzari and Dr. Nicola Pozzato, opened the event with the session on "Oral and poster scientific communications". Then, there was the ordinary shareholders' meeting.



On 9 October was characterized by the reports of Gianluca Felicetti, President of LAV, by Dr. Ugo Santucci, Director of Office 6 of the General Directorate of Animal Health of the Ministry of Health and by Prof. Alfonso Vuolo, Professor of Constitutional Law of the Federico II University of Naples which, during the morning, focused their attention on the evolution of national rules on animal welfare.



In the afternoon, the focus on the forensic analysis of bone finds in the session "the Bones tell ..." during which the principles and results of the studies were illustrated by Prof. Dawid Iurino, paleontologist, using state-of-the-art image processing technologies, Paleontology and Paleopathology on animal remains of millions of years ago. The Vice President of Sisfv Dr. Rosario Fico illustrated the cases dealt with by the National Reference Center for Veterinary Forensic Medicine, which represented a significant contribution to some investigations of Human Forensic Medicine.




Veterinary forensic medicine is increasingly engaged, in fact, also as a support to investigations into crimes against people, which very often also involve animals, helping to provide useful, and in some cases, fundamental elements to the Law Enforcement and to the Judiciary to suppress and prevent criminal phenomena.




The final day was engaged in discovering the territory, with a path dedicated to Sisfv members.





Watch the full interview with Dr. Rosario Fico, director of “Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana”, and head of the National Reference Center of Forensic Medicine and vice-president of SISFV: https://youtu.be/raLjjv9ROek






Source Società italiana Scienze forensi veterinarie



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