Extension of the Ministerial Ordinance, 12 July 2019 "Rules on the prohibition of use and possession of bait or poisoned morsels"




The presence of poisons or toxic substances in the environment represents a risk for people, especially children, and damage to the fauna, including endangered species.


The Ministry of Health renews the systems for monitoring and controlling the phenomenon of poisoning, reiterating the criminal implications for offenders.


The adoption and application of the previous ordinances have made it possible to have greater control and a reduction in episodes of poisoning, but as ascertained by the diagnostic investigations carried out by the Istituti Zooprofilattici, we are still witnessing the perpetuation of the phenomenon.


The term of validity of the ordinance of the Minister of Health of 12 July 2019, lastly extended by the ordinance of 10 August 2020, is extended by twelve months from the date of 24 August 2021.





Consult the interactive map in the national portal of intentional poisoning of animals active since 2019.  




Download the Ministerial Ordinanance







Source: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana “M. Aleandri