
e-ISSN 1828-1427


Rivista trimestrale di Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria edita dall'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"

A quarterly journal devoted to veterinary public health, veterinary science and medicine published by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ in Teramo, Italy

Editorial policy
Copyright and disclaimers
Guidelines for Authors
Honorary Members
Editorial Board
Scientific Advisory Board
Associate Editors
Issues online
Guidelines for Authors

Monographs and
other issues

Publication procedures
Layout and
general guidelines

Tables and figures



Authors should pay particular attention to the accuracy of references and should ensure all references are cited in the text. Publication delays will be caused if references are not formatted correctly.

Thomson Reuters has published an online EndNote® style for Veterinaria Italiana.

Meeting abstracts, summaries, submitted and unpublished manuscripts cannot be included as references.

All personal communications and unpublished data should be presented within brackets in the body of the text without a reference number. Provide the initial/s, followed by the family name/s, and ‘personal communication’ or ‘unpublished data’, i.e. ‘(A.B. Smith and G.W. Winter, unpublished data)’. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for such citations.

Only references that can be accessed should be listed. URL addresses can be added.

Each reference should list the name, initial/s of all authors, year of publication, full title, journal or publisher, volume and issue or location of publisher and page numbers, as shown in the examples below. Conference proceedings should give the place and dates of the meeting, in addition to the information listed above.

If a manuscript has been accepted but does not yet have citation information, the name of the journal in which the paper will be published should be given, followed by ‘(in press)’. The same applies to an ‘in press’ book reference, which should include the name and location of the publisher.

List references using Arabic numerals. The order should first be alphabetical and then chronological. If the same author is cited in several references, all works by the single author are listed first (in chronological order), followed by those written with co-authors, the latter also in chronological (and then alphabetical) order, as follows:

  1. Dawson W.A. 1999
  2. Dawson W.A. 2005
  3. Dawson W.A., Miles G.S. & Birkett A. 1998
  4. Dawson W.A., Miles G.S. & Johnson T. 1998
  5. Dawson W.A. & Anguelo B. 2004, etc.

All family names of authors should be followed by their initial/s. However, the initials of editors should precede their names. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. This List of journals indexed for Medline is published annually by the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health ( Full page ranges should be indicated, i.e. 812-819, not 812-19. All online material (books, journal articles, websites, etc.) must be cited in the same manner as hard-copy publications listed below (authors, titles, publisher and original date of publication). The URL/web address must be accurate and the date the material referred to was accessed online be provided as well as (i.e. uk/animalh/diseases/vetsurveillance/radar/index.htm accessed on 30 January 2005). The inclusion of ‘http://’ is not necessary. If the manuscript has been published online ahead of print, the DOI information may also be given (see examples).

    © Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise 2006-2019