Study visit of Dr. Cinthya Gonzalez

Cinthya Gonzalez

On 8th June 2009, Cinthya Gonzalez of Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Salud Animal (SENACSA) of Paraguay arrived at the Institute for a Study visit.

After the Welcoming words, the presentation of Institute activities and the three-week long vocational training, the paraguyan veterinary started her training period into the Institute Laboratories.

From 9th to 26th June she attended the departments of "Sierologia" and "Batteriologia e Igiene delle produzioni lattiero-casearie", carrying out activities relating to the "Titration of complement and haemolysin CFT (main method)" and "Brucella sp. identification (phages and PCR/RFLP methods), CFT and ELISA for brucellosis".

© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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