G. Caporale Institute 2006 Calendar


The 2006 Calendar

Photographs : Vincenzo Ammazzalorso

The images of Vincenzo Ammazzalorso for 2006, too, retrace the general lines of his work, which is moulded to follow three fundamental themes.

In the first, the redolent vision of the agrarian countryside recalls the nature-culture relationship (Text plate), or that of the landscape with the snow-covered mountain (October), while the traditional characterisations present the poetic atmosphere of a scene shot against the light with a grazing flock (May), and two different types of rustic buildings in some degree of abandonment: one modest (April), the other imposing in the typical style of the farmhouse (September).

The second theme refers to the scientific leanings of the photographer, who presents the majestic trunks of the olive-tree set in three different environments, on bare clay soil (March), on cultivated soil with the summer crop of sunflowers (July) and with the colourful richness of the weeds (June). The same compositional style shows us, this time, the delicate upward thrust of a curtain of branches of poplar (November),

The third simultaneous theme has as its dominant character the transversality of a vision of matter, all based on intense and varied constructional rhythms, where the transparency of the white fallen snow (January) becomes immanent background density (December). Light and matter fuse, however, over the undulating parallel lines of a winter sunset (February), or on the sunlit stretches of stubble after the threshing of the grain (August).

The luminous element also characterizes the transversality of a comparison between the glimpse of a field sharply picked out and the corrosive rhythm of the structures of the ravines (cover plate).

In all his work Ammazzalorso concentrates on the vision of the landscape as phenomenon, both when it emerges like a reminder of memory, and when it stands out as a significant presence or like a critical and silent awareness of a reality in transformation.

Nerio Rosa

© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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