G. Caporale Institute 2005 Calendar


The 2005 Calendar

Photographs : Vincenzo Ammazzalorso

The image of an abandoned farmhouse is only the evidence of a cycle of agricultural work concluded.

It is a moment of transition between old and new, between tradition and innovation, between peasant culture and industrial work.

Two moments of reflection are thus contrasted in this calendar: one inspired by the poetic elegy of the collective memory over the agrarian countryside, the other founded on the geometry and the material surfaces of a contemporary composition.

In the first case Vincenzo Ammazzalorso meditates on the evocative character of his portrayals:  in the second, the transparencies, the modulations, the rhythms, the emergence as phenomena provide new indications and suggestions.

Thus the horse being broken-in (February), the Cerrano Tower (March), spring in the olive grove (April), the haymaking (July), the first snow on Gran Sasso (October), the flock in the valley of the Piomba (December) are references to our literary roots.

The geometrical transparencies of the cover, on the other hand, the transverse rhythms of the snow on the olive grove at Notaresco (January), the presence, the immanence of the olive in the fields and in the reversed perspective of sea and sky which dissolve into each other (May), the material sinuosity of the terrain at San Giacomo (July), the protrusions on the rhythmic surface of the stubble (August), the material elaboration of the countryside round Atri (September), the complex scene-painting of the row of poplars (November) are testimony to a present which is no longer a memory nor an immediate reminder of homo faber, but the sign of a present which is strongly participating in a human story which continues its course of work and life.

Nerio Rosa

© IZSAM August 2016

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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