A science-based website about dog welfare in the EU: www.carodog.eu


FOUR PAWS and ISTITUTO G.CAPORALE Teramo proudly present: www.carodog.eu

On Thursday, September 9th, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the International Animal Welfare Organization FOUR PAWS and the Istituto G.Caporale Teramo presented the newest project in Europe-wide animal welfare: www.carodog.eu - a science-based website about dog welfare in the EU. Carodog stands for "Companion Animal Responsible Ownership for Dogs in Europe".

Carodog is a management database containing most recent scientific and practical information regarding companion animals, including stray animals in Europe. At this first stage the objective is to provide and disseminate reliable knowledge about dog health and welfare, focusing on strategies against canine overpopulation. The website is addressed to scientists, experts, veterinarians and pedagogues, but according to Helmut Dungler, founder and CEO of FOUR PAWS International, it "also provides important information for every one of us. Before carodog fragmented information about dog ownership was spread all over the internet whereas now we have a database that gives every dog owner the opportunity to find it all in one place".

Vincenzo Caporale, Director of the Istituto G.Caporale Teramo, is happy about the outcome of the project: "The success of the carodog website is that it successfully combines science-based and fact-based information with the expertise of Istituto G.Caporale and the practical experience of FOUR PAWS. It is certain that all this information will be of interest and support also in the global Animal Health and Welfare field and for governments outside Europe. Finally, we would like to warmly thank the European Commission as well as the FVE for supporting the project with their motivation and contribution in the Editorial Board, building on Mr Dungler's initiative for thie innovative model of cooperation.

Initially a project of FOUR PAWS and the Italian-based Istituto G.Caporale Teramo, carodog soon became supported by the European Commission as well as the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE). Helmut Dungler says: "The website provides innovative knowledge management about canine overpopulation. I am sure that it will be a main factor in the development of a broad knowledge about responsible dog ownership. I want to thank the Istituto G.Caporale Teramo for the very productive collaboration."

Laurette Orelinx, Belgian Minister of Health and Social Affairs, explains: "www.carodog.eu is very welcome also by our government: it is a very good step forward for the public to learn about dog health and welfare, for the European Union, to strengthen the enlargement of scope of animal welfare protection towards companion animals. During the Presidency of our country in the Council we underline the important role of companion animals in the civil society."

The press conference was followed by a presentation of DOGS FOR PEOPLE, a Romanian dog project of FOUR PAWS, in which former stray dogs were re-educated to serve as therapy and rescue dogs. The aim of the project is to change the public opinion towards stray dogs by proving their value and giving them a new life as well as to help children and young people with special needs. Five dogs showed their various abilities of fast and proper reaction and their sensitivity towards humans.

Sadly Prof. Caporale could not attend the conference due to sudden indisposition.



For media inquiries please contact:


Dr. Marlene Wartenberg

European Policy Office

Avenue de la Renaissance 19

B-1000 Brussels

+32 2 74 00 888


Istituto G.Caporale Teramo

Dr. Paolo Dalla Villa

Human-Animal Relationship and Animal Welfare Unit

Via Nazionale SS 16

I-64025 Torre di Cerrano - Pineto (TE)

+39 (085) 93 51 478



Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale

dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale"


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